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H Pylori can wreak havoc on your entire gut...

Helicobacter Pylori H pylori

Do you experience the following symptoms frequently:

  • bloating

  • belching

  • heartburn/reflux

  • nausea/vomiting

  • back tarry stools

  • gnawing feeling in their empty stomach on waking

  • loss of taste for meat

  • persistently low levels of Vitamin C and iron

Well then, you may want to learn more about this small but mighty bug called H pylori which can literally wreck your digestive system! While talking about bugs/bacteria can be highly scientific in nature, I am going to try and simplify it as much as I possibly can...

What is H Pylori?

Helicobacter pylori or H pylori as it is commonly referred to is a normal bacteria found in the stomach, and around 50% of the population has it in varying degrees. When it proliferates it can be highly problematic for your digestive system as it suppresses your stomach acid production. Think of digestion as a North to South highway - if the highway is damaged or broken up north (stomach), it cannot truly be functioning too well southward (small intestine, colon, etc). So when we have an issue in the stomach, we almost always have an issue with the rest of our gut.

Why should you care about Helicobacter Pylori (H Pylori)?

Helicobacter Pylori
H Pylori drilling itself into stomach lining

When H pylori proliferates, it has been associated with inflamed stomach lining and gastritis which often results in stomach pain, nausea, bloating,reflux/ heartburn, and sometimes vomiting or very dark/ tarry like bowel movements (Reshetnyak, 2021). H pylori loooves alkaline (not very acidic) environments and just like any living organism looking to survive, it has developed certain mechanisms to ensure its survival - such as drilling itself into your stomach lining and finding layers of the stomach which are less acidic (Waldum, 2016). As H pylori thrives in your stomach and to further ensure its survival, it damages certain cells responsible for releasing gastric juices (stomach acid) into your stomach (Smolka, 2012).

What damage can Helicobacter Pylori (H Pylori) do to your gut?

Well, this is now gonna sound real serious and it truly is. From people infected with H. pylori, around 16% have a higher lifetime risk of developing peptic ulcers and around 1-3% run the risk of stomach cancer (Wroblewski, 2010), so it is important to figure out whether you have it and take the necessary measures.

How can you figure out if you have H Pylori in your gut?

It is really easy to test for H Pylori - you can do it in the comfort of your home with an at home gut test called the GI MAP.

Up to recently, endoscopy with biopsy (ouch!) and urease testing have been considered the best ways to test for the presence of the bacteria. However, numerous studies published in the medical literature suggest that PCR testing (which the GI MAP uses) has shown similar specificity and sensitivity to biopsy + urease testing (Rimbara, 2013).


Reshetnyak, V. I., Burmistrov, A. I., & Maev, I. V. (2021). Helicobacter pylori: Commensal, symbiont or pathogen?. World journal of gastroenterology, 27(7), 545–560.

Rimbara, E., Sasatsu, M., & Graham, D. Y. (2013). PCR detection of Helicobacter pylori in clinical samples. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.), 943, 279–287.

Smolka, A. J., & Backert, S. (2012). How Helicobacter pylori infection controls gastric acid secretion. Journal of gastroenterology, 47(6), 609–618.

Waldum, H. L., Kleveland, P. M., & Sørdal, Ø. F. (2016). Helicobacter pylori and gastric acid: an intimate and reciprocal relationship. Therapeutic advances in gastroenterology, 9(6), 836–844.

Wroblewski, L. E., Peek, R. M., Jr, & Wilson, K. T. (2010). Helicobacter pylori and gastric cancer: factors that modulate disease risk. Clinical microbiology reviews, 23(4), 713–739.

Disclaimer: This post is intended for inspirational and informational purposes only, is not a substitute for medical advice, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Consult with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your routine.


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Working on improving my health and well-being with Ekat was a well-supported and insightful journey.

From the very onset, Ekat's holistic approach was a perfect blend of comprehensive questionnaires, thoughtfully crafted protocols, and unmatched attention to detail. She approached every aspect of my challenges with precision and dedication, tailoring a personalized plan that precisely suited my needs and capacities, and did so with warmth and generosity.


What set this experience apart was Ekat's dedication to not only guide and educate but also be a steadfast accountability partner throughout, which is something I truly needed as I was working with her during many life transitions, and incorporating even more new habits was tough! Her wealth of knowledge and genuine care exemplify Ekat as the epitome of a trustworthy professional.

-Aleksandra D.

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Ekat is an absolute gem in the world of nutritional therapy practitioners!

Her expertise is unparalleled, and her dedication to improving the life and health of her clients is truly outstanding.

One of the things that sets Ekat apart is her exceptional thoroughness and remarkable ability to delve deep into the intricacies of nutrition and wellness, providing you with invaluable information and support every step of the way. She leaves no stone unturned when it comes to understanding her clients' needs and goals, and her ability to dig deep and uncover the root causes of health issues is truly impressive.


Learning from Ekat has been a life-changing and transformative experience for me. Her comprehensive approach and insightful guidance have empowered me to make lasting positive changes, and I've witnessed truly remarkable improvements in my overall health and well-being, all thanks to her expertise and dedication.


If you're searching for a nutritional therapy practitioner who is not only thorough and knowledgeable but also compassionate and caring, Ekat is the one for you. Her extensive knowledge, insightful guidance, and unwavering dedication will guide you towards optimal health and vitality. I cannot recommend her enough!

- Marina H.

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The information shared on this website is intended for inspirational and informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice. Nothing on this website is intended to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease. Consult with your healthcare provider before making any dietary, lifestyle, or supplement changes and do not forego or delay seeking medical attention based on the information shared on this website. You acknowledge and agree that the results of any of our services, offerings, or products as described in a testimonial are not typical, are for illustrative purposes only, and cannot be guaranteed or assumed to be achievable by you. This website may contain affiliate or sponsored links, codes, or information where we may be entitled to compensation for any purchase you make or for sharing information with you. Please always consider your personal situation and do your own research.


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